The planet group of institution
The planet education institute-TPEI

The planet group of institution


Sr.No Date Notification Description Attachment
12017-12-07Blacklisted The PLanet Education Institute Puruwalawe officially blacklist "The Planet Education Institute (Puruwala)". Download
22018-07-25Date Sheet 2018Examination Date Sheet 2018Download
32018-08-23Date Sheet ON Deemand Examination 2018date sheetDownload
42018-10-22Annual Examination Date Sheet 2018Annual Examination Date Sheet 2018, IT Tools & ATPCDownload
52018-10-30RecruimentTPSDM JOBSDownload
62018-10-30Recruiment Application FromTPSDM JOBS Appliction FromDownload
72018-12-08NOTICE (invitation for interview)NOTICE (invitation for interview)Download
82018-12-26Recruiment ResultJOS Recruiment ResultDownload
92019-02-27Termination/Public NoticeTermination/Public NoticeDownload
102019-04-25Recruiment Result TPSA KangraInterview Result of Selected Candidates for TPSA kangraDownload
112019-07-10TPSDM Recruitment 2019TPSDM Recruitment 2019 newDownload
122020-11-28TPSDM Recruitment 2020-21TPSDM Recruitment 2020-21 for TPSA/TPEI and TPSDM as per the Board Approved on 09/10/2020Download
132020-12-16TPSDM Recruitment 2020-21 COORIGENDUM - ITPSDM Recruitment 2020-21 COORIGENDUM - I. approved by CMDDownload
142021-01-06Office Order 05/01/2021for Employees Reliving & new joiningDownload
152021-02-16Assessment/Examination Date Sheet Fab 2021Assessment/Examination Date Sheet Fab 2021Download
162022-03-05TPGI Recruitment 2022-23Requisition for the posts of Teaching and Administration Staff on Contract basis. Respected Sir/Madam The Planet Group of Institutions (Promoted by- The Planet Education Society) Registered under the Society Reg. Act. 2006, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. We are providing a platform for achieving academic excellence through modern technology. Regarding it is submitted that Institution requires following well qualified Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff for our Institutions on Contract basis. Online application is called for below mentioned posts. The desired candidate should apply for these posts through online link display in website (at Notification tab) the candidate should check their education qualification, experience before filling the online application form.Download
172022-10-22TPGI Requirements 2022Requisition for the posts of Teaching and Administration Staff on Contract basis. Respected Sir/Madam The Planet Group of Institutions (Promoted by- The Planet Education Society) Registered under the Society Reg. Act. 2006, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. We are providing a platform for achieving academic excellence through modern technology. Regarding it is submitted that Institution requires following well qualified Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff for our Institutions on Contract basis. Online application is called for below mentioned posts. The desired candidate should apply for these posts through online link display in website (at Notification tab) the candidate should check their education qualification, experience before filling the online application form. OCT. 2022Download
182022-10-22Corrigendum Jobs Oct. 2022 Job Application Date Extend till 29-10-2022Download
192022-11-30TPGI Requirements Nov 2022Reference to advertisement published in Website on 06th October, 2022 and Corrigendum -1, 14th Oct 2022, 2022. Further applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the following positions. The Planet Group of Institutions (Promoted by- The Planet Education Society) Registered under the Society Reg. Act. 2006, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. We are providing a platform for achieving academic excellence through modern technology. Regarding it is submitted that Institution requires following well qualified Teaching/Non-Teaching Staff for our Institutions on Contract basis. Online application is called for below mentioned posts. The desired candidate should apply for these posts through online link display in website (at Notification tab) the candidate should check their education qualification, experience before filling the online application form. Download
202023-07-29Invite Applications for Guest Lecture/Honorary Requirements 2023Invite Applications for Guest Lecture/Honorary Requirements 2023Download
212024-06-13Corrigendum Jobs June 2024Job Application Date Extend till 25-05-2024Download

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